

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校放射学中心的女病人, 以核磁共振, 宠物 / CT扫描, Mamography, x射线, 红外线和超声波


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our radiology team combines experience and technology to deliver diagnostic imaging services. 我们的研究项目获得了国际认可. 我们的许多教师都是世界知名的领导者在他们的领域.


全方位诊断服务: 我们的放射专家提供所有类型的医学成像服务, 无论是住院病人还是门诊病人. We offer specialized services in breast imaging, pediatric imaging, acute care imaging and more. These specializations mean that you receive the most advanced options for your condition and needs.

最先进的技术: Our radiologists use advanced techniques to give you the most accurate radiological diagnosis possible. 例如, we have a quantitative three-dimensional imaging lab where we combine high-resolution 3D images with powerful software. This technology gives us unparalleled ability to plan efficient and effective procedures.

照顾的平稳过渡: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we make it easy to coordinate care and share imaging results with your primary physician. 通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校放射学联系, 您可以通过安全门户将图像直接上传到提供商. This service is also helpful when you have had imaging at another institution that you’d like to share with us before your radiology appointment.

获得临床试验: The UCLA radiology team includes expert researchers who investigate new approaches to diagnosis and treatment. 当你来到皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,你可以参加一系列的临床试验. These studies offer patients more care options, including promising new treatments.

研究与创新: 我们的介入神经放射学家在研究和创新方面处于领先地位. 例如,我们发明了一种叫做MERCI的设备. The MERCI was the first approved device for opening brain vessels to treat acute stroke.


放射学团队支持皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的多个临床领域. 我们为乳腺癌预防提供影像诊断服务, 静脉曲张治疗, 肺癌筛查等等. 我们的服务包括: 


Our radiologists offer a range of diagnostic and imaging services at our radiology centers, 包括:  

乳房成像: 我们在乳腺癌预防和诊断方面一直处于领先地位. 我们的乳房x光检查中心是洛杉矶第一家这样的中心, 我们是该地区第一家提供乳房超声的中心. We also were among the first centers in the region with the expertise and resources to offer 3D mammograms, 哪个能让我们更好地了解乳房组织.

遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症: HHT是一种血管不能正常形成的疾病. 它主要影响皮肤、肺、大脑或肝脏. We have achieved certification with the HHT Foundation as a Center of Excellence in HHT treatment. We provide full spectrum, coordinated care for screening, diagnosing and treating HHT.

下腔静脉(IVC)过滤器诊所: An IVC filter is a small device that prevents blood clots from moving to your heart and lungs. Our interventional radiologists use advanced technology to place, manage and remove these filters.

肺癌筛检: 我们与多位专家合作, 包括胸放射学, 肺内科和胸外科对肺癌的检测和筛查. 经常, 肺癌患者直到病情严重时才知道自己得了肺癌, 而且更难治疗. We use an imaging test called low radiation dose computed tomography to detect lung cancer before symptoms appear.  

外周中心导管(PICC): PICCs是通过手臂静脉置入的小中空管. 你可能需要PICC来接受输血、药物或营养. Our radiology specialists conduct a full assessment to determine what type of PICC will best meet your needs and then place PICCs through a short procedure.

前列腺影像学及治疗: We provide comprehensive and sophisticated imaging to detect, diagnose and treat prostate cancer. New technology helps us diagnose prostate cancer sooner and helps us assist surgeons in planning minimally invasive surgery.


放射科医生也可以为某些疾病提供治疗. 我们提供的治疗方案包括:  

介入神经放射学: Interventional neuroradiology is a specialized field that involves using imaging and small plastic tubes to treat brain conditions. We can use these techniques to treat aneurysms, strokes and rare conditions such as Moyamoya disease.

介入肿瘤: 这个肿瘤学领域的重点是图像引导的癌症治疗, 包括活组织检查和缩小肿瘤. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, our team pioneered and developed the field of interventional oncology. 现在, 我们每年做500多例手术, 使我们成为美国同类项目中最大的一个.

介入放射学: 介入放射学, we use minimally invasive techniques to treat conditions that used to require open surgery. 这些技术降低了患者的风险,缩短了恢复时间. 我们安全有效地治疗复杂的疾病,使疤痕或疼痛最小化.

原发性震颤的神经外科治疗: 我们的放射科医生与 神经外科 team to offer an advanced treatment called magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound. 这种技术使用一种特殊的扫描仪, 头盔和超声波来治疗大脑中引起震颤的部分. 它可以有效地治疗帕金森病患者.

子宫肌瘤项目: 我们采用独特的团队方法来诊断和治疗子宫肌瘤. 你的护理团队包括妇科专家, 团体手中, 介入放射科医生和执业护士. 我们共同提供量身定制的治疗方案,促进妇女的长期健康.

静脉曲张治疗: Our radiologists offer comprehensive vein care and treatment for venous insufficiency. 静脉功能不全导致静脉膨胀和扩张, 导致蜘蛛静脉或静脉曲张. We use a patient-centered approach to care where we discuss treatments with the goal of improving your quality of life.


放射科医生是诊断团队的关键成员. We also offer minimally invasive treatments for a range of conditions, 包括:

动脉瘤: A bulge or weak spot in one of your arteries, often in the brain or the back of the knee.

癌症: 很多疾病都是细胞不受控制地分裂, 然后扩散并破坏周围组织. 

肌瘤: Noncancerous growths that occur in the uterus, often during a woman’s childbearing years.

中风: An interruption to blood supply in your brain, either because of a blockage or a burst blood vessel.

肿瘤: 不受控制地生长的不规则细胞团.

震动: Involuntary contractions or shaking in one part of the body, often in the hands, legs or face.

静脉曲张: 静脉肿大,扭曲,多见于腿部.


我们使用一系列技术来观察你身体内部的情况. 我们使用的一些最常见的成像选项包括:  

CT: Using a combination of X-rays and a computer to create detailed images of the inside of your body.

双能x射线吸收仪(DEXA): Using small doses of radiation to measure your bone mineral density (the quality and strength of your bones).

超声波诊断: Also called sonography, using high-frequency sound waves to view the structures inside your body.  

透视: 使用x光和视频屏幕来制作你身体内部的“电影”.

乳房x光检查: Using low-dose X-rays to examine breast tissue to detect and diagnose breast cancer.

核磁共振成像: Using radio waves and magnets to create detailed images of your internal organs and tissue.  

正电子发射断层扫描(宠物): A technique that uses a radioactive substance called a tracer to show how your internal organs are functioning.   


Our radiology team is made up of experts in radiological diagnosis and treating a range of conditions. We offer the full range of diagnostic services and use state-of-the-art technology. 我们的专家不断研究新的和有前途的治疗方法.


呼叫 310-301-6800 to request an appointment with a radiologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 or find a medical imaging center near you.



呼叫 today to find medical imaging near you and schedule your imaging procedure (MR, CT, 宠物, 用, 超声波).